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Why CellAdmin Wap Genrator? | 11:34 PM |
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After a months of had work by our development team, we finally released CellAdmin WAP Generator. This is a new innovative Mobile Content Delivery System for building and managing XHTML and WML pages for mobile phones and PDA's.
CellAdmin WAP Generator enables every single company to build and maintain its own cellular web site and its own portal in order to create a unique internet mobile experience with optimal reformatting of rich media content for any 2.5G and 3G mobile handheld device.
We already signed new contract with a digital content provider called Quantoon, and we are working on new contract with mobile content providers from Europe and US. Our mobile WAP pages creator tool can helps digital content owners like Quantoon to enhance the selling of new digital media content, such as animations, videos, and wallpapers, to mobile subscribers and allows them to generate revenue in an efficient and cost effective way.
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